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the tears for God

Tears are an easy prayer.

If you cry hearing the name of the Lord, if you cry with his name, then these moments of life are meaningful, auspicious. These moments are God’s grace, these moments are the offering of His mercy.

Don’t stop the tears, let them flow, those tears will flow a lot of cancer of yours. You will feel fresh behind. As if someone had a bath. Don’t be stingy with your eyes, let these tears flow, these tears are the news of a juicy rising inside. Just be careful that make these tears your fun. These tears have to be made your juice, your joy.

This is your simple, easy and pure prayer to God. If you openly learn to cry for her, then understand that there is nothing more than this, to please her. Because we laugh while crying. Crying for her is the simplest and most easy tool, so cry to please her.

Actually there is no prayer greater than tears. That’s why weep with all your heart. Tears will brighten you, will extinguish you, whatever is useless will come out. One who is meaningful, pure, will become clean like a crystal gem and will shine inside.

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