The four VedasRigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda—are ancient sacred texts of Hinduism. Each Veda contains hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings, providing insights into early Indian civilization, spirituality, and culture. Rigveda is known for its poetic hymns, Samaveda for its melodies, Yajurveda for its ritual formulas, and Atharvaveda for its practical wisdom and magical incantations. Together, they form the foundation of Hindu religious thought and practice.

The four Vedas—Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda (Set of 8 Books); Price:- Rs. 3600

The Upanishads are a collection of ancient philosophical texts that explore profound spiritual and metaphysical concepts within Hinduism. Composed between 800 and 200 BCE, they delve into topics such as the nature of reality, the self (atman), the universe (brahman), and the paths to liberation (moksha). The Upanishads are considered the culmination of Vedic thought and have greatly influenced Hindu philosophy, spirituality, and religious practices.

The Puranas are a genre of ancient Hindu texts consisting of 18 major works, known as the “Mahapuranas,” along with numerous minor ones. They encompass a wide range of topics, including mythology, cosmology, genealogy, religious rituals, and moral teachings. Each Purana typically focuses on a particular deity or aspect of Hindu theology, such as Vishnu, Shiva, or Devi (the divine feminine). Through narratives, dialogues, and allegorical tales, the Puranas convey religious and philosophical ideas while preserving cultural and historical traditions. They play a significant role in shaping Hindu beliefs, practices, and cultural heritage.

The 18 Mahapuranas, the major Puranas in Hinduism, are:

  1. Brahma Purana, 2. Padma Purana, 3. Vishnu Purana, 4. Shiva Purana, 5. Bhagavata Purana, 6. Narada Purana, 7.Markandeya Purana, 8. Agni Purana, 9. Bhavishya Purana, 10. Brahmavaivarta Purana, 11. Linga Purana, 12. Varaha Purana, 13. Skanda Purana, 14. Vamana Purana, 15. Kurma Purana, 16. Matsya Purana, 17. Garuda Purana, 18. Brahmanda Purana

Bharat Bliss Foundation

Bharat Bliss Foundation is the Seva Wing of Bharat Bliss and aims to impact various aspects of the Brajbhoomi. It is based in the holy town of Vrindavan, run by a young team and has a vision of giving back to the entire region which they now call their home. The team has  great access to the entire Brajbhoomi.

Gau Shala

Gau Seva

Nurturing cows is considered equivalent to religious ritual. It is said, happy cows bring prosperity and therefore, Gau Seva in India has been of utmost importance in our culture. Come join us and help us protect and promote indigenous cows!

help to poor

Narayan Seva

"Service to mankind is service to God". It is said that helping those in need is the purest form of worship and to do well to others is the gist of all worship. Brajbhoomi attracts many saadhus, sanyasis and widows. It has several orphanages as well. Join the cause and bring a smile to your face and many others!

Deep daan

Bhakti Seva

Bhakti Seva gives you an opportunity of experiencing selfless service. Engaging in this will not only help you purify your heart and soul but also change your life into a more loving and compassionate one. From offering seva to various deities to Deep Daan at Yamunaji, we offer you a wide range of blissful sevas to experience.

Tree Plantation

Prakriti Seva

Giving back to Mother Earth is among our primary duties as our very existence is dependent on her. Trees, animals, landscapes, rivers, mountains and everything else that mother nature has provided us with have been aligned with Gods and Goddesses and worshiped in our culture since ages. Our objective is to keep Brajbhoomi clean and green and we therefore appeal to you to march with us on this noble mission.

They say “spiritual health is the path to inner peace regardless of the turmoil around you”. To get young souls focus on their spiritual health, the Bharat Bliss Foundation offers a unique seva – The Vidyaa Daan Seva, wherein a donor sponsors distribution of The Bhagwad Gita along with a few other spiritual and philosophical texts. This inculcates a habit of spiritual inclination and focus on real happiness of life.

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