Truth-Loving Hariscandra


‘Truth-loving Hariscandra ‘ is the second blossom of an ideal biography. Sri Hariscandra ‘s character scattered in many volumes and that is remarkably wondeerful. Having gone through thoroughly, almost all the volumes, Panditji has sketched this character in brief. The truthfulness and steadfastness on morality in the character of Hariscandra is an ideal. It is absolutely true that anyone who remains firm on his morality and truth, never deviates from any test, in the end becomes blessed by the infinite grace of the lord. Hariscanrda’s character is its striking example.

We the Indians who have fallen much below from adherence to truth, should follow the glorious character of our his past eminent man and thus spiritually evolve.


‘Truth-loving Hariscandra ‘ is the second blossom of an ideal biography. Sri Hariscandra ‘s character scattered in many volumes and that is remarkably wondeerful. Having gone through thoroughly, almost all the volumes, Panditji has sketched this character in brief. The truthfulness and steadfastness on morality in the character of Hariscandra is an ideal. It is absolutely true that anyone who remains firm on his morality and truth, never deviates from any test, in the end becomes blessed by the infinite grace of the lord. Hariscanrda’s character is its striking example.

We the Indians who have fallen much below from adherence to truth, should follow the glorious character of our his past eminent man and thus spiritually evolve.

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Weight 0.3 g


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