
Buchun asked me to write the story of Mira. I place it before the reader.

I do not claim for it a place as history, I delight to call it a story. Based on tradition, Macaulife and Todd hane done valuable work on the subject. Our contemporaries have carried out researches on Mira and are alleged to have exploded many established traditions assigned to her, especially the one which ascribes the maltreatment of Mira Bai by her husband. The fect is, the persecutions began after the death of her husband, who was all love to her, and were met at the hands of the husband’s brother at the instigation of his sister Udabai with profit, readers interested in the subject might refer to either class of writings.


Buchun asked me to write the story of Mira. I place it before the reader.

I do not claim for it a place as history, I delight to call it a story. Based on tradition, Macaulife and Todd hane done valuable work on the subject. Our contemporaries have carried out researches on Mira and are alleged to have exploded many established traditions assigned to her, especially the one which ascribes the maltreatment of Mira Bai by her husband. The fect is, the persecutions began after the death of her husband, who was all love to her, and were met at the hands of the husband’s brother at the instigation of his sister Udabai with profit, readers interested in the subject might refer to either class of writings.

To me Mira is the moth that burnt itself in the candle of love for Giradhara and for all times filled the temple of devotion with fragrance. Undaunted by fire or frown, unperturbed by persecutions, this devotee of Sri Krsna sang her songs of princely renunciation and self -surrender that shaall infuse courage in the aspirnt on the path of love. Mira lived the message she preached, scoffed at cold intellectualism and boldly proclaimed the doctrine of absolute faith in and devotion to the Lord.

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