
The Late Shri Jayadayal Gonyandka  an exalted and God-realized soul . He is a well known personality among saints and devotees. We feel a great pleasure in presenting this book, ‘The Secret of Karmayoga ‘in the hands of our readers.

It is a compilation of 28 discourses of Shri goyandka delivered from time tto time in the course of his satsanga meetings. In these discourses the main theme is that of karmayoga even though some of them discuss social aspects also. the discourse 14,15,and 17 discuss the position and duties of women in society. It was his firm belief that the indian culture and the way of living was for the best interests of our social life through which even God-realization could be made easier.


The Late Shri Jayadayal Gonyandka  an exalted and God-realized soul . He is a well known personality among saints and devotees. We feel a great pleasure in presenting this book, ‘The Secret of Karmayoga ‘in the hands of our readers.

It is a compilation of 28 discourses of Shri goyandka delivered from time tto time in the course of his satsanga meetings. In these discourses the main theme is that of karmayoga even though some of them discuss social aspects also. the discourse 14,15,and 17 discuss the position and duties of women in society. It was his firm belief that the indian culture and the way of living was for the best interests of our social life through which even God-realization could be made easier.

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