
Truly speaking none has power to describe in words the glory of the Gita, for it is a book containing the highest esoteric doctrines. it is the essence of the vedas; its language is so sweet and simple that men can easily understand it after a little practice; but the thoughts are so deep that none can arrive at their end even after constant study throughout a lifetime. Everyday they exhibit new facets of truth, therefore they remain ever fresh and new. When scrutinized with a concentrated mind, possessed of faith and reverence, every verse of the Gita will clearly appear as full of the deepest mystery. The manner in which the Gita describes the virtues, glory and secrets of God, is hardly found in any other scripture; for in other books the teachings are generally mixed up, more or less, with worldly subject; but the Gita uttered by the lord is such an incomparable book that not a word will be found in it, which is devoid of some spiritual import.


Truly speaking none has power to describe in words the glory of the Gita, for it is a book containing the highest esoteric doctrines. it is the essence of the vedas; its language is so sweet and simple that men can easily understand it after a little practice; but the thoughts are so deep that none can arrive at their end even after constant study throughout a lifetime. Everyday they exhibit new facets of truth, therefore they remain ever fresh and new. When scrutinized with a concentrated mind, possessed of faith and reverence, every verse of the Gita will clearly appear as full of the deepest mystery. The manner in which the Gita describes the virtues, glory and secrets of God, is hardly found in any other scripture; for in other books the teachings are generally mixed up, more or less, with worldly subject; but the Gita uttered by the lord is such an incomparable book that not a word will be found in it, which is devoid of some spiritual import.

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