
“Practice should be so hard that one many become oblivious of his own body. Even after bringing to consciousness by the Lord himself in his manifested from the existence of body should not be experienced just as Sutikshna Muni had no rememberance of his body even when Sri Ramchandraji awakened him.”

“To achieve such a situation of life soon, one should always be ready without having anything in consideration.”


“Practice should be so hard that one many become oblivious of his own body. Even after bringing to consciousness by the Lord himself in his manifested from the existence of body should not be experienced just as Sutikshna Muni had no rememberance of his body even when Sri Ramchandraji awakened him.”

“To achieve such a situation of life soon, one should always be ready without having anything in consideration.”

Man should know the value of time. Time is passing every moment. The time of human life is invaluable. It should be engaged in devotional song,meditation, Satsanga and in other invaluable activities. Those who pass their lives only in feeding themselves are real beasts.

“Without any expectation of fruit, whatever is done for the Lord; is only his worship (there may not be the chanting of his name). This omission should not be considered as a mistake.”

So long worship and meditation of  God appears as unpleasant there is the lack of faith. In reality there is no feeling of exertion at all in ‘Bhajan-Dhyan’ 

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Weight 0.2 g


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