Look Beyond the Veil


This handy volume is collection of a number of inspiring and illuminating articles from the pen of learned and saintly writer. who did not feel inclined to disclose his identity and wrote under the pen name of “Siva”. As he is no more in this world, having breathed his last on the 22nd March 1971, we make bold to disclose his name and tell our readers that the writer was no other than the Late Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar,

We have great pleasure in introducing to the English Knowing public this fourth small volume of the series under the caption “Look Beyond the Veil” with the hope that it will be read with the same interest and benefit as the three preceding ones.


This handy volume is collection of a number of inspiring and illuminating articles from the pen of learned and saintly writer. who did not feel inclined to disclose his identity and wrote under the pen name of “Siva”. As he is no more in this world, having breathed his last on the 22nd March 1971, we make bold to disclose his name and tell our readers that the writer was no other than the Late Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar,

We have great pleasure in introducing to the English Knowing public this fourth small volume of the series under the caption “Look Beyond the Veil” with the hope that it will be read with the same interest and benefit as the three preceding ones.

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Weight 0.2 g


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