Gems Of Truth


The present volume comprises the second series of articles by Shri Jaydayal Goyandka , published from time to time in the columns of the ‘Kalyan Kalpataru’. Ass mentioned in my introduction to the first series, the articles were originally written in Hindi for the ‘Kalyan’ and were subsequently translated into English for the benefit of the English knowing public. The warm reception accorded by the public to the first series has encouraged us to publish this second series, which i hope will be similarly welcomed. It goes without saying that like its precursor it will prove to be a handy and valuable manual for those who have an earnest desire to tread the path of God-Realization and stand in need of a permanent guide to help them along the path.



The present volume comprises the second series of articles by Shri Jaydayal Goyandka , published from time to time in the columns of the ‘Kalyan Kalpataru’. Ass mentioned in my introduction to the first series, the articles were originally written in Hindi for the ‘Kalyan’ and were subsequently translated into English for the benefit of the English knowing public. The warm reception accorded by the public to the first series has encouraged us to publish this second series, which i hope will be similarly welcomed. It goes without saying that like its precursor it will prove to be a handy and valuable manual for those who have an earnest desire to tread the path of God-Realization and stand in need of a permanent guide to help them along the path.

Although no pain has been spared to bring out the sense of the original as faithfully and correctly as possible, the translation is anything but perfect and on behalf of the translators I crave the indulgence of the readers for the many shortcomings which will be noticed therein. On behalf of the publishers as well I would add a word of apology for any misprints that may have inadvertently crept in.

With these few words of introduction, I would recommend the volume for a careful study by all those who are interested in spiritual culture and seek to be benefited by the considered views and ripe experience of an illumined soul who has not only realize what he say but who actually lives up to those ideals.

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