Brave and Honest Children


Bravery and honesty are the invaluable possessions of human life. They are part and parcel of a person’s character and make his/her life successful and blissful.


This book consisting of 42stories is the combined English version of the two Hindi story books ‘Vira Balaka’ (Brave Boys) and ‘Sacce Aura Imanadara Balaka’ (True and Honest Children).

We hope that this book will prove immensely usefulfor our young generation in making them brave and honest. Children are requested to read these stories and draw inspiration from them.


Bravery and honesty are the invaluable possessions of human life. They are part and parcel of a person’s character and make his/her life successful and blissful.


This book consisting of 42stories is the combined English version of the two Hindi story books ‘Vira Balaka’ (Brave Boys) and ‘Sacce Aura Imanadara Balaka’ (True and Honest Children).

We hope that this book will prove immensely usefulfor our young generation in making them brave and honest. Children are requested to read these stories and draw inspiration from them.

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