चित्रमय श्री दुर्गा सप्तसती/Shree Durga Saptasati



“Durga Saptashati,” also known as “Devi Mahatmya” or “Chandi Path,” is a revered Hindu scripture that praises and extols the greatness of Goddess Durga. The term “Saptashati” translates to “seven hundred,” indicating the number of verses contained within the text. This scripture is a part of the Markandeya Purana, one of the eighteen major Puranas in Hinduism.

“Durga Saptashati” is structured into thirteen chapters, which narrate the divine stories of the goddess and her various manifestations. The central narrative revolves around the battle between Goddess Durga and the buffalo demon Mahishasura, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. The goddess is depicted as the ultimate source of power, embodying the divine feminine energy that vanquishes demonic forces threatening the cosmic order.

The text also portrays other forms of the goddess, such as Mahakali and Mahalakshmi, who join forces with Durga to defeat different adversaries and restore balance to the universe. Through these stories, “Durga Saptashati” celebrates the prowess, compassion, and protective nature of Goddess Durga, inviting devotees to seek her blessings for strength, courage, and spiritual upliftment.

“Durga Saptashati” holds significant importance in Hindu traditions and rituals, especially during Navaratri, a festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga and her various forms over nine nights. Devotees recite the verses of the text, perform rituals, and engage in devotional practices to invoke the blessings of the divine mother for protection, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Numerous commentaries, translations, and interpretations of “Durga Saptashati” are available in various languages, offering insights into its profound spiritual teachings and symbolic significance. The scripture continues to inspire millions of devotees worldwide, serving as a source of guidance, inspiration, and devotion in their spiritual journey.


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